Being a QRIOS Consultant

Hello, Slavica! What do you work with during the days? 

-Right now, I work as a consultant at Lantmännen Cerealia AB in Malmö, in the role of Quality Engineer. 

What background and experiences do you have from before? 

-I have several years of experience working in the pharmaceutical industry, especially in GMP-related work within various areas of QC/QA. Additionally, I have experience in the food industry, including HACCP and QA documentation, as well as food safety and quality. 

What is at the top of your wish list regarding future consulting assignments? 

-What I want is to continue helping our clients and contribute to developing their business. It’s difficult for me to pinpoint what I like most because all the areas I’ve worked in have been interesting in their own way. 

Last but not least: What is the best thing about being a consultant at QRIOS? 

-The opportunity to work with different clients and in different roles makes this job very beneficial for my professional and personal development.
As a consultant, QRIOS provides me with support, freedom, and good working conditions.
Additionally, I have fantastic colleagues, which is a great bonus! 

Thank you, Slavica, for allowing us to talk to you! 

Hello, Osama! What do you work with during the days? 

-Right now, I’m a consultant at Bonesupport, where I work as a Quality Engineer on issues related to product quality and release. 

What background and experiences do you have from before? 

-I have worked for several years as a consultant in roles within QA/R&D, in both Pharma and Medtech in the Uppsala area. Last spring, I moved to Lund. 

What is at the top of your wish list regarding future consulting assignments? 

-I want to continue helping our clients in both Pharma and Medtech with quality issues. 

Lastly, what is the best thing about being a consultant at QRIOS? 

-I really enjoy working at a company with so many other knowledgeable and experienced consultants. We all maintain a high level of delivery, which makes our knowledge exchange very professional. 

Thank you, Osama, for letting us talk to you! 

Hello, Kent! What do you work with during the days? 

-Right now, I’m a consultant at AAK, where I work with, among other things, room validation in a GMP environment. 

What background and experiences do you have from before? 

-I have many years of experience in production-related work in a GMP environment, where I have had roles ranging from validation and technical documentation to project and production management at well-known companies like Recipharm and Inpac. 

What is at the top of your wish list regarding future consulting assignments? 

-I want to continue helping our clients with development in production and machinery solutions. Preferably within the pharmaceutical industry and related sectors. 

Lastly, what is the best thing about being a consultant at QRIOS? 

-I really enjoy being a consultant, with freedom under responsibility. There is a sense of pride in being part of the group of senior and highly competent consultants working at QRIOS. Together, we help our clients in the best possible way. 

Thank you, Kent, for letting us talk to you! 

Hello, Maria! What do you work with during the days? 

-Right now, I’m a consultant at AstraZeneca, where I work on market ethical review and advisory within the same area. 

What background and experiences do you have from before? 

-I have extensive experience in various roles (such as Regulatory, Quality, Safety, Market Ethics, and Compliance) within market companies in pharmaceutical companies. For the past 12 years, I have worked as Compliance Manager at Novo Nordisk. 

What is at the top of your wish list regarding future consulting assignments? 

-I want to continue helping our clients navigate the Ethical Regulatory Framework (LER) and ensure effective processes and good training in the area. 

Lastly, what is the best thing about being a consultant at QRIOS? 

-I am very independent and enjoy the role of consultant, with freedom under responsibility. Having the opportunity to work with different clients in different therapy areas allows me to test and contribute my knowledge from new perspectives. This is incredibly developmental and therefore very enjoyable. 

Thank you, Maria, for letting us talk to you!